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David Fun English language learning for KIDS!

Fun English language learning for KIDS!

25분 1,800포인트


Have fun and learn English at the same time, through conversation, games, stories, role plays and more!!!


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Having taught hundreds of children from a variety of different countries over the years - I have learned how to design classes which are not only extremely beneficial for learning PRACTICAL and REALISTIC English (as opposed to the stale and unusable English that is often taught in the classrooms) but also super FUN for kids too!

In my experience kids will perform better when they are enjoying what they are studying. It is simple really! If they hate learning maths, they will associate maths lessons with a negative feeling and although they may do their best, they will never really excel in the subject - even if forced!

A much better strategy is to teach them in a way which is fun and enjoyable. So they are learning without it even feeling as though they are studying! 

It is a win-win, and most of my younger students can't wait to come back and do more lessons with me.

On top of this, I often hear very strange English from even very experienced students (I lived in Japan for 2 years and have spent large amount of time travelling). When asked where they heard these phrases, they say 'I was taught in school' and they seem surprised that it is either highly outdated English, or simply incorrect. 

By learning with me, younger students will learn how we REALLY speak over here, which is far more beneficial if they ever want to study, get a job or travel abroad - as many successful individuals do these days.

If you have any questions at all - please feel free to message me!
I am very friendly (so I am told!) and I am always happy to help.
If you are unsure about my teaching style, you can read my reviews and see my teaching awards here on Cafetalk. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and have a wonderful day! :-)


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레슨 가능 시간

스케줄을 확인하여 주시기 바랍니다.

※ 시간은 Asia/Tokyo 로 표시하고 있습니다. 로그인 하신 후에는 여러분의 등록정보에 의해 시간이 자동으로 계산되어 표시됩니다.

스케줄 확인
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