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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Sakura mochi 강사 칼럼

「ずんだもちー」 'Zunda-mochi!'

2018년 2월 11일


「ずんだ餅(もち)」は仙台(せんだい)の郷土料理(きょうどりょうり)です。「枝豆(えだまめ)」はわかりますか? まだ熟(じゅく)していない、緑色(みどりいろ)の大豆(だいず)のことです。それを塩(しお)ゆでして食(た)べます。栄養(えいよう)があるし、ビールのおつまみに最高(さいこう)!

ゆでた枝豆(えだまめ)をつぶして、砂糖(さとう)を入(い)れて作(つく)った餡(あん)を、「ずんだ餡(あん)」と呼(よ)びます。ずんだで包(つつ)んだお餅(もち)が「ずんだ餅(もち)」。甘(あま)い枝豆(えだまめ)って想像(そうぞう)できますか? おいしいですよ。



そうそう、写真(しゃしん)を撮(と)るときのかけ声(ごえ)「ずんだもちー」についてお話(はな)ししなければなりませんでした。仙台(せんだい)には、観光(かんこう)を紹介(しょうかい)するために、「伊達武将隊(だて ぶしょうたい)」というグループがあります。侍(さむらい)の着物(きもの)を着(き)た人(ひと)たちが、観光客(かんこうきゃく)を案内(あんない)したり、いろいろなイベントを行(おこな)ったりしています。観光客(かんこうきゃく)と写真(しゃしん)を撮(と)るときの、彼(かれ)らのかけ声(ごえ)が「ずんだもちー」なのです。最後(さいご)の「ちー」で笑顔(えがお)ができるのですが、それよりも、伊達武将隊(だて ぶしょうたい)の、しゃれっ気(け)とおもてなしの気持(きも)ちがいっぱいの「ずんだもちー」を聞(き)いて、思(おも)わず笑(わら)ってしまうのです。

伊達武将隊公式サイト/Date Busho-tai official website(only in Japanese)


サムライEnglish/Samurai English (partly in English)



What do you say when you smile for a photo in front of the camera? ‘Hi Cheese (Say Cheese)!’ is famous in Japan. In my town Sendai ‘zunda-mochi’ is a little trendy now.

Zunda-mochi is one of Sendai’s local dishes. Do you know edamame? It means unripe soybeans. They are eaten boiled in salt water. They are nutritious and great for a snack of beer!

We call the paste made with edamame and sugar ‘zunda-an(paste)’. ‘Zunda-mochi’ is a rice cake covered with zunda-an. Can you imagine sweet edamame? It’s yummy!

Where did this strange name zunda come from? There are various theories. They say the most convincing one is : ‘zuda’ which means ‘to mash beans’ became ‘zunda’ over a long period of time. It has been eaten since the Edo period and is also said Lord Date Masamune named it.

Zunda-mochi was originally a homemade dish but it needs a long time and energy to cook, so we usually buy it at shops today. In Sendai there are some shops and tearooms which provide zunda-mochi. Those shops sell other kind of sweets made with zunda-an in addition to zunda-mochi. I think they are healthy sweets.

Oh, yes!  I have to tell you about the call ‘zunda-mochi’ in front of the camera. Sendai has a group ‘Date Busho-tai (Date Squad)’ to introduce attractions of the city to visitors. The group’s members in samurai-costume guide visitors at sightseeing spots and hold various events. They call ‘zunda-mochi!’ when they take photos with visitors. Those in front of the camera smile with the last sound ‘chi!’ but if anything, they laugh in spite of themselves to hear the Date Busho-tai’s call ‘zunda-mochi!’ full of wit and hospitality.

부담없이 질문해 주세요!