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ハワイ島(とう)で見(み)つけた「日本(にほん)」 'Japan' found in Hawaii Island

2017년 12월 29일

11月(がつ)に、ハワイ島(とう)へ行(い)きました。水着(みずぎ)と冬(ふゆ)の服(ふく)を持(も)って! そう、ハワイ島(とう)は、熱帯雨林(ねったいうりん)と、ときどき雪(ゆき)が降(ふ)る火山(かざん)がいっしょにある島(しま)なんです。今回(こんかい)は、ハワイ島(とう)で見(み)つけた「日本(にほん)」について書(か)きます。




ハワイ島(とう)は日本(にほん)からの移民(いみん)が多(おお)く、日本人(にほんじん)のような名前(なまえ)が書(か)いてある店(みせ)の看板(かんばん)を、ときどき見(み)ました。島(しま)の東(ひがし)にあるヒロは、日本人(にほんじん)が作(つく)った町(まち)だそうで、SUISANという水産会社(すいさんがいしゃ)やレストランもありました。町(まち)の中(なか)に、'Tsunami Museum'―津波(つなみ)博物館(はくぶつかん)があって、2011年(ねん)の東日本大震災(ひがしにほんだいしんさい)の展示(てんじ)もありました。ヒロは、何回(なんかい)も津波(つなみ)の被害(ひがい)をうけています。町(まち)のいろいろな所(ところ)でtsunamiと書(か)いてある看板(かんばん)を見(み)ました。津波(つなみ)が来(く)る前(まえ)、町(まち)だった所(ところ)が、今(いま)は公園(こうえん)やゴルフ場(じょう)になっています。そこに津波(つなみ)の記念碑(きねんひ)がありましたが、書(か)かれていた犠牲者(ぎせいしゃ)の名前(なまえ)の多(おお)くが、日本人(にほんじん)の姓(せい)でした。この、’tsunami’という日本語(にほんご)も、今(いま)は世界中(せかいじゅう)で使(つか)われていますね。

私(わたし)が子(こ)どものころ、日本語(にほんご)は、世界(せかい)であまり重要(じゅうよう)ではない言葉(ことば)でしたが、今(いま)は、世界中(せかいじゅう)で使(つか)われている日本語(にほんご)が、たくさんあります。 judoやkimono, sushiはもうあたりまえ。 今(いま)は、manga, kawaii, washoku, emoji も。 畳(たたみ)はtatamiserというフランス語(ご)になっているらしいです。「畳(たたみ)の上(うえ)の生活(せいかつ)」とか、「日本(にほん)のような」、という意味(いみ)だそうです。


I went to Hawaii Island last November with a swimming suit and winter clothes! Yes, Hawaii Island has both tropical rain forests and mountains which sometimes have snowfall. This time I write about ‘Japan’ I found there.

I was very surprised to see the letters ‘TERIYAKI’ many times in restaurants.  Surprised again when I went to supermarkets. There were many kinds of TERIYAKI sauce bottles in any store.
‘Teriyaki’ is of course Japanese and mainly a fish or chicken dish in Japan. ‘Teri’ means ‘gloss’. When we fry a slice of fish or chicken after dipping in soy sauce and mirin, its surface becomes glossy, so it is called teriyaki. Hawaiian TERIYAKI is barbecue sauce and quite different from Japanese one. I found the word in my English dictionary and was surprised once again.

There were a lot of immigrants from Japan on Hawaii Island and I sometimes saw signboards of stores with a Japanese family name. I heard Hilo, the city on the east coast of the island, was a town made by Japanese people, where I saw a fish processing company and restaurant named ‘SUISAN’. In Tsunami Museum in the center of the town there was an exhibit about the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, too. Hilo has suffered many tsunamis and I saw signboards with a word ‘tsunami’ in many places of the town. In the Area where there were towns before tsunamis they made parks and a golf course. In one corner of the area there is a monument of a tsunami disaster. Most of victims’ names inscribed on it were Japanese family names. The Japanese word ‘tsunami’ too is used throughout the world today.

When I was a child, Japanese was a minor language but today a lot of Japanese words are used around the world. ‘Judo’, ‘kimono’ and ‘sushi’ are already quite normal. Now, in addition, ‘manga’, ‘kawaii’, ‘washoku’, ‘emoji’…. I hear ‘tatami’ became a French word ‘tatamiser’ which means ‘life on tatami mats’ or ‘Japanesque’. 

As a Japanese tutor, I’m very happy because people around the world are interested in Japanese language and learning it.

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