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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Sakura mochi 강사 칼럼

成人(せいじん)の日(ひ)-振袖(ふりそで)と帯(おび) Coming of Age Day-Furisode and Obi

2018년 1월 5일

あけましておめでとうございます。にほんごtutor のSakura mochi です。「みんなの日本語(にほんご)初級(しょきゅう)Ⅱ」レベルの文法(ぶんぽう)と、英語(えいご)で、いろいろな情報(じょうほう)をお届(とど)けしています。今日(きょう)は、着物(きもの)と帯(おび)の話(はなし)です。

Happy New Year! I’m Sakura mochi, a Japanese tutor. I send you various information using Japanese grammar on a level of ‘Minna no Nihongo Elementary II and in English. Today's topic is 'kimono and obi'.






The second Monday in January is the Coming of Age Day. ‘Seijin-shiki’-Coming of Age Ceremonies are held in many municipalities(*). Many women attend the ceremony wearing furisode. A lot of beautiful kimonos fill all over town on the day.
Furisode is a formal kimono for unmarried young women. They wear it mainly to the Coming of Age and Wedding Ceremony. Furisode has long sleeves and brilliant patterns of flowers and birds, etc. 

Obi (sash) for furisode is about 4.2m long and has also brilliant patterns. We wind it around our waist twice and tie it on the back making an ornamental knot.

Usually the designer who created the ornamental knot gives it a lovely title, like ‘Rose’, ‘Milky Way’ and ‘Diamond’, etc. The most traditional and famous knot is ‘Fukura-suzume’. Fukra-suzume is a sparrow puffing out its feathers in cold winter or a fat sparrow and has a meaning ‘happy’ or ‘auspicious’. These are the fukura-suzume.(see photos above)

This is one I created. I made a form of a shooting star and gave it a title ‘When You Wish upon a Star’.(see the photo above) 

I was once asked by a foreigner, ‘how many obi-designs do you have?’  I couldn’t answer it because each designer creates a knot based on free ideas. I think it is an artwork created to infinity using the cloth 4.2meters long.

(*)Some municipalities hold the ceremony in summer.

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