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Cheryl Teacher Phrasal Verbs in English

Phrasal Verbs in English

25분 2,200포인트

트라이얼 25분 1500포인트


Learn essential phrasal verbs for more natural speech and writing.


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레슨 상세 내용  

In this lesson, you can learn different phrasal verbs and how to use them. 
Bring your own questions or learn brand new vocabulary with me!
You can learn about: 
  • different structures (transitive, intransitive) and types (separable, inseparable) of phrasal verbs
  • how phrasal verbs can alter the tone, formality, and nuance of communication
  • which are most frequently used in everyday conversation and professional settings
  • how certain phrasal verbs might have different meanings or usage frequency in British and American English
We will, of course, practise using phrasal verbs in conversation so that you get a better understanding of them. Phrasal verbs are essential for achieving fluency in communication.
I look forward to seeing you in the lesson! 
In the meantime, take a look below to see what you might already know: 
Bring up - to mention or start discussing a topic
Call off - to cancel something
Check out - to investigate, examine, or look at something closely
Come across - to find or encounter something by chance
Come up with - to think of an idea or plan
Cut back on - to reduce in amount or frequency
Do over - to do something again from the beginning
Drop off - to deliver someone or something to a place
Find out - to discover or obtain information
Get on with - to have a good relationship with someone
Get over - to recover from an illness or an emotional setback
Give up - to stop trying or quit an activity
Go on - to continue; to happen
Hang out - to spend time in a place or with someone
Hold on - to wait a moment
Keep on - to continue doing something
Put up with - to tolerate or endure
Run into - to meet someone unexpectedly
Show up - to arrive or appear at a place
Stand out - to be noticeably better or different
Take after - to resemble a family member
Turn down - to reject or refuse
Look into - to investigate or research
Wrap up - to complete or finish something
Draw up - to prepare and write something, such as a document or plan
Kick off - to start or launch an event or activity
Speak up - to talk louder or to express an opinion openly and firmly
How many of the above do you know how to use? 
There are thousands of phrasal verbs in English. I will help you get to know them step by step.

※ 이 강사는 현재 휴가중입니다. 2024년 10월 3일 09시 00분이후에 리퀘스트 해주세요.

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Cheryl Teacher
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※ 이 강사는 현재 휴가중입니다. 2024년 10월 3일 09시 00분이후에 리퀘스트 해주세요.

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