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Cheryl Teacher English Singing Pronunciation

English Singing Pronunciation

25분 2,200포인트

트라이얼 25분 2000포인트


You enjoy singing English songs, but still have questions about how to enunciate more naturally when you sing. Learn better diction for singing in English.


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I will help you pronounce lyrics better so that you and your listeners enjoy the song more. 
You can learn: 
Phonetics and Phonology: Understanding the sounds of a language (phonetics) and how these sounds are organized and used (phonology) is crucial. This knowledge helps singers accurately produce sounds, especially when singing in foreign languages.
Vowel Shaping: Discover how to shape your vowels properly. Different languages and singing styles require subtle changes in vowel pronunciation to ensure clarity and proper vocal tone.
Consonant Articulation: Learn to pronounce consonants clearly without disrupting the flow of the song. This includes mastering techniques for hard and soft consonants, ensuring they are neither too harsh nor too weak.
Phrasing and Legato: Understand how to connect words and phrases smoothly (legato), making your singing sound more fluid while maintaining clear diction.
Emphasis and Dynamics: Learn how to emphasize certain words or syllables to convey emotion and meaning, and how dynamics (variations in loudness) affect diction.
Lip and Tongue Flexibility: Exercises to increase flexibility, which is essential for quick and clear articulation, especially in faster songs or complex passages.
Articulation Agility: Performing exercises designed to improve the agility of your articulators (lips, tongue, jaw), allowing for rapid, clear, and accurate diction, which is particularly important in genres with fast lyrics or complex rhythms.
Tongue Placement: The position of the tongue is crucial for proper pronunciation. Singers must learn how to control and move their tongue quickly and efficiently to produce accurate consonant sounds and clear vowel sounds.
Intonation and Stress Patterns: Understanding and mastering the intonation (the rise and fall of the voice) and stress patterns of a language or musical phrase is crucial. This not only affects the clarity of your singing but also helps convey the emotional content of the piece.
Use of Diphthongs and Triphthongs: Learning how to smoothly navigate diphthongs (sounds formed by the combination of two vowels in a single syllable) and triphthongs (three vowels) without distorting or overemphasizing any part of the sound.
Understanding Lyrics and Poetry: Analyzing the lyrics of a song or the poetry of a piece to understand its meaning, emotional content, and how that influences diction. This includes understanding metaphor, symbolism, and narrative to convey the story or message more effectively.
Singing in Different Genres: Explore how diction varies across different musical genres and learn to adapt your diction accordingly.
You’ve learned a lot of English so far, now you can use it to sing your favourite songs amazingly!

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Cheryl Teacher
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실제 레슨시간은 다를 수 있습니다. 리퀘스트시 강사의 스케줄을 다시한번 확인해 주시기 바랍니다.

※ 시간은 Asia/Tokyo 로 표시하고 있습니다. 로그인 하신 후에는 여러분의 등록정보에 의해 시간이 자동으로 계산되어 표시됩니다.

※ 이 강사는 현재 휴가중입니다. 2024년 10월 3일 09시 00분이후에 리퀘스트 해주세요.

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