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Elisha_E.T. Getting Unstuck | Living from the Heart

Getting Unstuck | Living from the Heart

55분 2,200포인트

트라이얼 15분 0포인트


Are you feeling stuck in life? Begin the journey with me of truly living & loving your life from the heart to your full potential!


상담 가능

레슨 상세 내용  

 ∞ Are you stuck in a routine where nothing is satisfying you anymore?
∞ Do you feel there's so much more in life for you but don't know where to approach it from?
∞ Is there something you truly want to do but are afraid to take actions / ignoring your calling?
∞ Or, you know exactly what you want and the steps to make the change, only that you can't bring yourself forward to take that first step?

Imagine… that thing you want to do or learn. Maybe there's a country you've always wanted to go to, or you just want to leave home. But when you think about it, your current life situation overwhelms you with fear of making that call.
It can be the simplest thing that snaps us out of our heart space to keep us in a state of fear making us feel stuck.
Maybe it's your job. Maybe it's the feeling of a lack of time. Or maybe it's about how people think about you.
Making life changing decisions starts with approaching what appear to be the smallest details in daily life from a new vintage point

In this coaching session, we will look into the attributes that are preventing you from moving forward with what you truly desire in life.
I'll be providing you with practical tools on how to shift the way you think and feel about your current state, which is the key to moving forward into the new.
Every one of us is capable of making life changing decisions.
However, when we feel stuck we often times need someone to help us distancing ourselves from our immediate surroundings so we can first of all see and understand the true magnitude of the situation and our power within.

Are you ready to breakthrough and start living the shiniest life that's meant for you?

Request the lesson now!
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• 레슨 시작 1시간 이내→ 레슨 포인트의 100% 를 받고 있습니다.
• 레슨 시작 시간 1-6시간 이내→ 레슨 포인트의 50% 를 받고 있습니다.
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레슨 가능 시간

11:00   20:00
11:00   20:00
11:00   20:00
11:00   20:00
11:00   19:30
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※ 시간은 Asia/Tokyo 로 표시하고 있습니다. 로그인 하신 후에는 여러분의 등록정보에 의해 시간이 자동으로 계산되어 표시됩니다.

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