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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Suja 강사 칼럼

Reading News Articles

2017년 6월 7일

Reading a news article serves as an excellent learning aid to acqhire new vocabulary and see how they've been aplied in a sentence. Checking the meaning of new vocabularies with a dictionary can also help you through your reading activity.

However, it would be even more useful to discuss what you've read with someone else as you will not only just share your opinions on the article with the other person but also stand to improve your  English speaking skills.


There are some excellent points raised in the short news article shown above and a lot we can talk about on the culture of work encountered in different countries and what work-life balance means to you.


Try my lesson Read & Discuss News Articles to find out more!

Article Reference: Gautam Ghosh Media Mentions

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