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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Suja 강사 칼럼


2017년 5월 16일


I’m on cloud nine today. I managed to step out for a long, brisk walk along the beach which turned out to be a fantastic workout for me.

After my walk, I visited my dentist which cost me an arm and a leg! Later, I killed two birds with one stone by making a trip out to the supermarket and dropping my library books at the library along the way.

I spent almost an entire evening after that doing the laundry and think I might hit the sack early tonight.


We sometimes find idioms being used in our daily conversations making what is being said more interesting to listen to!


Here are the meanings to some of the idioms above:

Cloud nine – extremely happy

Cost me an arm and a leg – very expensive

Killed two birds with one stone – to do two things at the same time

Hit the sack – to go to bed

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