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Suja 강사 칼럼

Enhance your English with TED Talks

2024년 8월 26일

TED Talks are a fantastic resource for English learners. They offer more than just inspiration—they can be a powerful tool for improving your English skills.

Here’s how you can make the most out of TED Talks to enhance your reading, speaking, and writing abilities.

1. Improve Pronunciation and Reading Aloud

Listening to TED speakers, who are often clear and articulate, can help you understand how different speakers pronounce words, use intonation, and pace their speech.

Try this: choose a TED Talk you enjoy, print out the transcript, and read along with the speaker. This exercise helps you mimic the natural flow of speech, improving both your pronunciation and your confidence in reading aloud.

2. Gather Ideas for Writing and Speaking

TED Talks cover a wide range of topics, from technology to personal growth. These talks can be a goldmine of ideas for your essays and speaking tasks. After watching a talk, jot down the main ideas, arguments, and examples presented. These notes can serve as inspiration for your writing assignments and help you structure your thoughts more effectively when speaking.

3. Expand Your Vocabulary

Listening to TED Talks exposes you to a rich variety of vocabulary. Pay attention to how speakers use words in context and make a list of new or unfamiliar terms. Look up their meanings and try using them in your writing and your conversations. This not only expands your vocabulary but also helps you understand how to use new words naturally.

4. Practice Speaking with Summaries

After watching a TED Talk, practice summarizing it in your own words. Try this through a Reflection Journal!

This helps reinforce what you’ve learned and gives you a chance to practice speaking. You can do this with a teacher, or even by recording yourself. Over time, you’ll notice improvements in both your speaking fluency and your ability to organize your thoughts.

TED Talks are not just for passive listening—they can be an active part of your English learning journey. By incorporating these strategies, you’ll not only improve your language skills but also stay motivated and inspired by the diverse topics and ideas TED speakers share.

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