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Suja 강사 칼럼

Harnessing Emotions in IELTS Speaking- How best to do it

2024년 2월 28일

Harnessing Emotions:

Emotions play a crucial role in communication, adding depth, authenticity, and engagement to your speech. While it's essential to maintain a professional demeanor, tastefully incorporating emotions can make your responses more compelling and memorable. Here's how you can use emotions to your benefit:


Expressing Enthusiasm: Infuse your speech with genuine enthusiasm when discussing topics you're passionate about. Whether it's a hobby, a favorite book, or a memorable experience, let your excitement shine through in your tone of voice and body language.


Conveying Empathy: Show empathy and understanding when discussing sensitive topics or sharing personal experiences. Use a compassionate tone and empathetic language to connect with the listener on an emotional level.


Highlighting Importance: Emphasize the significance of certain ideas or concepts by conveying a sense importance in your speech. Use intonation and stress to underscore key points and grab the examiner's attention.


Eliciting Interest: Use emotions strategically to pique the examiner's interest and keep them engaged throughout your response. Inject humor, curiosity, or surprise into your speech to make it more dynamic and compelling.

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