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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Tutor Mercy 강사 칼럼

Debate Session

2022년 10월 28일

Yay!! I've completed 30 lessons on Cafetalk and I'd like to share with you about one of the lessons on my page that students love.

Have you ever participated in a debate?
When was the last time you did?

There's a lesson on my page which is all about debate. We pick a topic beforehand so that you can show up to class prepared. During the lesson, one of us speaks about the pros while the other states the cons of the topic. This session lasts for 20 minutes and comes with a nominal fee.

The students who have taken this lesson tell me how helpful it was to them as it gave them a chance to express their views without being controversial. This is the sorta session where you are challenged and made to move a little bit outside of your comfort zone. Hence, once you're done you feel a sense of accomplishment.

I would recommend this lesson to anyone who wishes to speak confidently, express opposing ideas in a polite way, and overall enhance your critical thinking!

I'll see you in class then!

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