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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Tutor Mercy 강사 칼럼

Life's Reflections

주간 토픽: Would you rather go to the sea side or go climb a mountain?

2022년 8월 29일

Although I've been fascinated by mountain ranges as much as I've been by the sea side, I have had more chances to go to a beach and that's why I like it even more. Who wouldn't like to be welcomed by the waves and enjoy the fun feeling our feet get wet! The vastness of the sea just makes me feel so calm. It makes me think of the endless opportunities that life has to offer every single person. Even huge ships look small from afar. All of us, no matter how big or small, have our own roles to play in this huge wide world. Nature always has a way of making us feel good about ourselves and the world around us, leaving us with a lot to reflect upon.

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