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Tutor Mercy 강사 칼럼

Cooking Pumpkin

주간 토픽: What kind of Pumpkin recipe do you like?

2022년 10월 20일

I haven't tried a variety of recipes with pumpkin except for one. Let me share it with you. It's a sidedish that you eat along with rice. Heat some oil (2-3 teaspoons) in a pan and add some mustard, curry leaves, chopped green chillies. Then you can add some turneric but its optional. After that, add pumpkin that has been chopped in little pieces (the smaller the better). As pumpkins are sweet, you may want to add some spice if that's what you like. In such a case you can add the desired amount of red chilli powder. Don't forget some salt. It usually takes around twenty minutes to cook. And there you have it! Some tasty pumpkin sidedish prepared the Indian way.

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