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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Achour 강사 칼럼

My eternity..........how to convert your temporal world to the eternal

2022년 8월 25일

In astrophysics we cannot speak about time while ignoring space, and reciprocity is indeed evident, we cannot speak about space while ignoring time.

We have an objective time that flows outside of us; a time that we have no control over it, and we have a subjective time, which is the role of the individual and his presence of mind at the moment. Similarly, we have an objective space that seems to be dormant, stagnant and quiescent, and we have a subjective space that has a potential to either be extended or narrowed; all depends on the role of the individual's intention and his presence of mind.    

Our question is; how to seize, grasp and convert the temporal world to the eternal one through our state of consciousness…

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