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Lizzie H 강사 칼럼

クラスメイトの英語表現を授業中にこっそり書いてみました ①

2022년 2월 20일


How different is "textbook English" from the English people use in real life?



Ever since I came back from Japan, I've been thinking about this question.


I think that one of the difficult parts of English is how many idioms there are. There are so many different ways of saying things, and it's hard to memorize them all!



Recently, when I was listening to my classmates give their self introductions, I thought "Wow, everyone's using a lot of interesting expressions!"



And because I thought it might be helpful to people learning English, I wrote some of them down. Shhh! Don't tell anyone!



Without further ado, here are some of the expressions that my classmates used during their self introductions.



表現:"Sharpen my skills" -- スキルを研ぐ


アメリカの授業では、「なぜこの授業を取ろうと思いましたか?」という質問が出るかもしれません。そんな時には "Sharpen my skills" はいい答えになると思います!


例文:"I guess I'm mostly here because I want to sharpen my practical skills."



表現:"I'll pass it off to____" -- じゃあ、次は(誰かの名前)


先生に「自己紹介をした後、次の人を選んでください」と言われるかもしれません。I'll pass it off to(誰かの名前)はよく聞きます。


例文:"Yeah. So that's it for me. I'll pass it off to Sarah."



表現:"I'll popcorn it to____" -- じゃあ、次は(誰かの名前)


Popcorn styleの会話では、次の人を選ぶ時 “Popcorn (誰かの名前)!”と言います。


例文:"And I'd say that I'm most excited about the group projects. I'll popcorn it to Alejandro."



表現:"I'll just leave it at that" -- …ということで。


他に何もいうことない時は"I'll just leave it at that”と言ったら、「以上です」という意味になります。


例文:”The thing I’m most looking forward to is learning new theories. And, uh, yeah. I’ll just leave it at that.”



表現:"Similar to what a lot of people said..." -- 他の人が言っていたように、




例文:”Yeah, similar to what a lot of people have said, I’m pretty new to all this material, but I’m excited.”



表現:"Kind of like what _____ said..." -- (誰かの名前)が言っていたように、




例文:”Kind of like what Cassandra said, I’m really interested in working with kids.” 



表現:"... so that's really exciting" -- …ということが結構楽しみです




例文:”And I just got an internship that’s gonna start in November… so that’s really exciting.”



表現:"I'm going for ______" -- を目指しています


何かを目指している時、"I'm going for ______”だけで伝われます!


例文:”I’m going for my level 1 certification next year.”



表現:"I think honestly, ____" -- 正直にいうと、


自分の意見を表現した時には"I think honestly, ____”はもっとやさしい感じがします。


例文:”I think honestly it’s gonna be kind of a tough transition for me.”


表現:"That kind of aligns with ____" -- それは___と合致しますね。




例文:”I know we’re going to be looking at a lot of studies with elderly populations, and that kind of aligns with my interests right now.”




I did my best to explain those expressions as best I could, but some of the Japanese is probably incorrect. What do you think? Do you use these types of expressions in class? Would you like to try some of the English expressions? Feel free to tell me your thoughts in the comments section!

부담없이 질문해 주세요!