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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Lizzie H 강사 칼럼

My agenda

주간 토픽: How do you keep your schedule? Hand writing on your agenda or typing on smartphone/laptop?

2022년 2월 11일

Hi everyone! Do you like to keep organized? 


When I started living in Japan, I was amazed by all the beautiful stationery products that I could find in bookstores. There were sticky notes, highlighters, notebooks, pens, pencil pouches, colored folders, and many more exciting goodies. When I walked around the stationery section, I felt like a little kid in a candy store!

I like taking notes and making lists to stay organized. When I think of something that I want to remember, I write it down on a square note and I tape it to a sheet of paper in my binder. I like to use washi tape because it adds a pop of color to the page. Sometimes I also use stickers or draw with markers.

Last month, I bought a 2022 planner. I write down my homework in my planner, and I also write down my weekly to do lists, and things that I want to buy. I have an online calendar too, but it helps me to remember things if I take the time to write them down. 

What else do I use my notebooks for? I use them to study languages of course! I have several vocabulary notebooks that I use to study Japanese. When I’ve memorized a word once, I highlight the margin in yellow. When I’ve memorized a word twice, I highlight over the yellow with a purple highlighter. 

I’ve also taped paper rectangles to a notebook page to help me study vocabulary. When you flip up the flap, you can see the pronunciation and the meaning of the word. It’s kind of like a flash card but with three sides!


Do you have any favorite stationery products? Do you like to use notebooks to study languages? Let me know in the comments below!



1. sticky notes = 付箋紙


2. highlighters = 蛍光ペン


3. pencil pouches = ペンケース


4. folders = ファイル


5. goodies = お菓子や楽しみにするグッズ


6. stationery = 文房具


7. planner = スケジュール帳


8. to do list = やることリスト


9. margin = 余白


10. flap = 折り返した部分、垂れ下がっている部分





1. keep organized/stay organized: 整理整頓をする


2. a pop of color: 飛び出す色


3. take the time to do something: 何かをする時間を取っておくこと


4. what else: 他に


5. flip something up: 上に裏返す

6. “it’s like a {名詞} but with {名詞} !” :  {名詞が付いている {名詞に似ている!

If you want to learn more fun vocabulary and expressions, come and check out my idioms lesson! 

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