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Teacher Hanne 강사 칼럼

Old English Roses

주간 토픽: Newly found interests from spending more time at home during quarantine

2021년 10월 8일

Gardening became very popular during the quarantine months.

Even if you just have a small veranda, you can add a few pot plants and vegetables in containers.

I decided to start a small rose garden. Old English Roses are my favourite roses. These roses are also known as Old Garden Roses. Such roses existed before 1867.

These Old Garden roses have the most wonderful fragrance and usually flowers only once a year. Modern roses produce flowers throughout the summer months and not just once a year. Old Garden roses are hardy and disease-resistant, so not a lot of pest-control and chemical-sprays needed. These roses also don’t need a lot of pruning.

You can find Old Garden roses in many forms, ranging from shrubs to tall climbers. But be aware, Old Garden roses also have a lot of thorns! Have you noticed that modern roses usually don’t have any thorns?!

Most gardeners grow Modern roses because they are repeat bloomers (produce flowers for many months through the season/year. Modern roses are also available in a very wide range of colours. Old roses usually have softer colours in pink and white.

What a joy to grow roses, especially Old Garden roses!

Are you interested in roses? Let me know in the comments!

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