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Rob Z Chasing the Light: Plato's Cave and the Quest for Philosophical Truth

Chasing the Light: Plato's Cave and the Quest for Philosophical Truth

50분 1,200포인트


Dive into Plato's Cave and uncover the nature of truth! In this mind-bending class, we'll explore one of philosophy's most famous thought experiments and its profound implications. Sharpen your thinking, engage in discussions, and discover new ways of see


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Chasing the Light: Plato's Cave and the Quest for Philosophical Truth

Dive into Plato's Cave and uncover the nature of truth! In this mind-bending class, we'll explore one of philosophy's most famous thought experiments and its profound implications. Sharpen your thinking, engage in discussions, and discover new ways of seeing the world as we chase the light of truth together.

Chasing the Light: A Journey Through the Philosophical Landscape

This comprehensive course is designed to provide students with a deep and multifaceted understanding of the rich tapestry of philosophical thought. From the ancient Greeks to the modern era, students will embark on a captivating journey, exploring the diverse schools of philosophy and their profound implications for our understanding of reality, truth, and the human condition.

The course will begin with an in-depth examination of Plato's Cave, one of the most influential and enduring thought experiments in the history of philosophy. Students will gain a detailed understanding of the allegory, its historical context, and its enduring relevance in shaping our philosophical worldviews. This foundational exploration will serve as a springboard for a broader investigation into the various philosophical traditions and perspectives that have shaped our intellectual landscape.

As the course progresses, students will delve into the core tenets and key figures of other major philosophical schools, such as Aristotelian logic, Stoicism, Existentialism, Pragmatism, and Phenomenology, among others. Through a combination of lectures, discussions, and exercises, students will analyze the underlying assumptions, methodologies, and practical applications of these diverse philosophical approaches.

The discussions will encourage active listening, critical thinking, and respectful dialogue, as students grapple with complex philosophical concepts and evaluate the merits and limitations of various arguments. This interactive process will challenge students to question their own preconceptions, develop their analytical skills, and cultivate a nuanced understanding of the philosophical landscape.

In addition to the discussions, students will also complete a series of exercises and activities designed to deepen their engagement with the course material. These exercises will focus on developing students' logical reasoning abilities, including the use of deductive and inductive reasoning, as well as their capacity for creative and interdisciplinary thinking.

Assessment for the course will be based on a combination of class participation, written assignments, and a final project. Students will be expected to engage actively in the discussions and complete all assigned exercises and activities, demonstrating their mastery of the course material and their ability to apply the concepts they have learned.

This course is designed for students of all levels, from beginners seeking to explore the world of philosophy to advanced learners looking to deepen their understanding of the field. Whether you are driven by intellectual curiosity, a desire for personal growth, or a pursuit of academic excellence, this course will guide you on a captivating journey through the philosophical landscape, empowering you to chase the light of wisdom and truth.

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• 레슨 시작 24시간 이전→ 언제든 취소 가능
• 레슨 시작 24시간 미만→ 취소 요금이 필요할 수 있습니다.
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(강사에 따라 달라지기 때문에 강사에게 연락을 하실 것을 권해드립니다.)

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Rob Z
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※ 시간은 Asia/Tokyo 로 표시하고 있습니다. 로그인 하신 후에는 여러분의 등록정보에 의해 시간이 자동으로 계산되어 표시됩니다.

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