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Siyethaba Expressing opinions and giving reasons

Expressing opinions and giving reasons

25분 400포인트


Subtitle: Mastering Articulate Expression: Voicing Opinions with Conviction


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레슨 상세 내용  

Lesson Title: Expressing Opinions and Giving Reasons

Objective:By the end of this lesson, you will be able to express your opinions clearly in English and support them with reasons.


1. Warm-up (5 minutes):
   - Begin by asking the student about their interests or recent experiences. For example, "What do you think about [current event or topic of interest]?" This sets the stage for expressing opinions.

2. Vocabulary Building (10 minutes):
   - Introduce key vocabulary related to expressing opinions and giving reasons. Include words and phrases such as:
     - Opinion verbs: I believe, I think, In my opinion
     - Adjectives for expressing intensity of opinions: Strongly, firmly, mildly
     - Phrases for giving reasons: because, since, due to

3. Expressing Opinions (15 minutes):
   - Practice forming opinions on various topics. Use prompts like:
     - What is your opinion on [controversial topic]?
     - Do you prefer [option A] or [option B]? Why?
   - Encourage the student to use the vocabulary introduced in Step 2.

4. Providing Reasons (15 minutes):
   - Focus on giving reasons to support opinions. Guide the student through constructing sentences like:
     - "I believe [statement] because..."
     - "In my opinion, [opinion] due to..."
   - Discuss the importance of providing clear and logical reasons.

5. Role-play Activity (10 minutes):
   - Create a scenario where the student needs to express their opinion and give reasons. For example:
     - Pretend you are discussing a recent movie with a friend. Express why you liked or disliked it.
   - Provide feedback on clarity, coherence, and use of vocabulary.

6. Wrap-up and Reflection (5 minutes):
   - Summarize the key points covered in the lesson.
   - Ask the student to reflect on their progress and what they found challenging or easy about expressing opinions in English.

   - Ask the student to write a short paragraph expressing their opinion on a topic of their choice, using at least two different phrases for giving reasons.

Next Lesson Focus:
   - Building on today's lesson, we will focus on discussing opinions in group settings and debating in English.

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