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Sensei Rex English Grammar - Prepositions (BASIC)

English Grammar - Prepositions (BASIC)

60분 2,800포인트


Learn how to use some of the most common prepositions in English language to sound more like a native speaker!


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Prepositions are extremely common in English language and are the type of words, which are used to indicate time, place, spacial relationships, direction and/or to introduce an object. In some cases, there may be more than one type of preposition suitable for use in a given context, however with practice and understanding the general basic rules it becomes much easier and more intuitive to know which one is correct. LEarning them is very useful in order to sound more like a native speaker and to be able to improve the overall command of the language, both spoken and written! 


- If you are a returning student and wish to book this lesson again, I will provide a new set of materials and worksheets to revise what has been already established and then to further practice and improve a student's confidence when using articles.

- Please keep mobile phones on silent and refrain from using them during the lesson unless needed for the purposes of the lesson itself or in the case of an emergency.

- Please no food or snacks during the session. Drinks and small biscuits or chocolates with tea or coffee are allowed!
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Sensei Rex
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About meI am of an Armenian descent and am currently living in the United Kingdom and I have graduated from Kingston University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Graphics Technology.My ho...

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Perfect for practicing daily conversat...

Perfect for practicing daily conversat...

Perfect for practicing daily conversat...

English Grammar - Articles

60분 2,800포인트

Learn the correct way to use articles ...

Learn how to use some of the most comm...

레슨 가능 시간

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