언제나 생활에 감칠맛을.

Kyoko O. 25-minute Japanese Conversation (First, let's enjoy talking)

25-minute Japanese Conversation (First, let's enjoy talking)

25분 500포인트


To Learners of Japanese at all level who just want to talk in Japanese and who have something you want to talk. Let's talk! If you want, I am glad to explain them in English as well.

레슨 상세 내용  


=== English Version  === 
1)I can change the speed of speaking and the usages of words along to any language level; beginner, intermediate and advanced.
I am going to show the new words and sentences as text chat during a lesson.
In my conversational lessons, I do not generally use any textbooks or specific materials.
In my conversational lessons, we don't learn a business conversations/ we don't practise any interview (e.g. job interview, school interview) .

2)There are two types in my conversational lesson. You can choose one type when you take a lesson. When you request this lesson, please let me know which type you would like to go with on Cafetalk.
>>Type A
・While talking to a student, I will take notes for the corrections or suggestions for more natural sounding words. We don’t stop the conversation.
・When the student has a question or unfamiliar words, I am going to answer every time.
・For the last 5 to 10 minutes, I am going to tell the student the notes I had taken.
>>Type B
・While talking to a student, I will correct the student’s mistake or suggest more natural sounding words every time.
・When the student has a question or unfamiliar words, I am going to answer every time as well
If we have time, we would review. 

In the case you take this lesson BY THE ONLINE STANDBY LESSON, let me know the type you chose at the beginning of the lesson, please.
>>I am also going to send you the lesson summary after the lesson regardless of the lesson type.
3)It's all right to make a mistake! You can learn new things from it.
I will tell you the correct words or more natural sounding words.
If you want, I am glad to explain them in English as well.
Topic example, topics, your favourite things, Japanese culture, your own culture, ...etc.

*INFORMATION: When you take THE LESSON PACK  (a pack of 5 lessons)=>*Cf. the Lesson Pack in the lesson list
If you would like to choose, we can have a Review Lesson for the previous four lessons at the fifth of the pack lesson. 
In the last one, I will ask some questions about the topics in the previous ones.
You can answer the questions while using the words or terms you have learned. Of course, you can also ask me while using those.
Please let me know if you are interested.
이 강사는 신규학생을 접수 중 입니다.

이 강사의 취소 방침

리퀘스트 확정전
• 언제든 취소 가능

리퀘스트 확정후
• 레슨 시작 12시간 이내→ 레슨 포인트의 100% 를 받고 있습니다.
• 레슨 시작 시간 12-24시간 이내→ 레슨 포인트의 50% 를 받고 있습니다.
No-Show→ 레슨 포인트의 100% 를 받고 있습니다.

강사 프로필  

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Kyoko O.
레슨 가능 시간


          안녕하세요. 저는 일본어 강사 Kyoko입니다. *제 일본어 레슨은 모두 "일본어를 제2 외국어로 학습하는 분"이 대상입니다.  【레슨 목표】 "여러분의 목적에 맞는 즐거운 레슨" 레슨에서는 망설임없이 일본어를 많이 쓰세요. 틀려도 괜찮습니다. 그래야 많은 것을 배울 수 있다고 생각합니다. 재미있게 배워봅시다!   【제 레슨에 대하여】...

이 강사의 모든 레슨 

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레슨 가능 시간

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실제 레슨시간은 다를 수 있습니다. 리퀘스트시 강사의 스케줄을 다시한번 확인해 주시기 바랍니다.

※ 시간은 Asia/Tokyo 로 표시하고 있습니다. 로그인 하신 후에는 여러분의 등록정보에 의해 시간이 자동으로 계산되어 표시됩니다.

스케줄 확인
100%레슨 만족보증 대상입니다.
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