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Paola Travel Italian Lesson

Travel Italian Lesson

50분 2,500포인트


Intensive course for travelers!


독자 개발 교재

레슨 상세 내용  

Warning: This is not an ordinary Italian lesson! :)

I often receive lesson requests from beginner students who are going to travel to Italy soon and would like to learn a couple of useful phrases or expressions for a more carefree travel experience. Although, if you're leaving in 1 month, how am I supposed to teach you what it usually takes me 1 year to teach?! Easy: Let's just avoid all that complicated and boring grammar, shall we? 

Usually, this wouldn't agree with my teaching style, but I tried to see it from a student's perspective and realized I'd rather be able to say a phrase or two in the language spoken in the country I'm visiting than just use English taking for granted everyone can speak it (most Italians can't, lol). 

So I thought I'd create this new lesson style. If you take it, you must be aware that you won't be able to say "I speak Italian" in the end, but at least you will get by when communicating a need or a desire while you're here. Italians will be happy to hear you try speaking their language. ♡
Plus, it's useful to discover the local culture and customs!

With the aid of a slide show, we will deal with various travel situations, such as:
- making a reservation/communication in a hotel
- making an order at the bar/restaurant
- asking for directions
- shopping/grocery shopping
and so on...

We can start from 0, or if you already have an Italian language basis, we can have an advanced lesson.

★At the end of the course, you can get a set of flashcards to practice everything you've learned. If you subscribe to the website, you may also listen to the pronunciation!

*IMPORTANT* I recommend taking at least 4 lessons to be able to cover all the main topics.
Feel free to request my 4-lesson or 8-lesson pack to save up a little bit (view profile)! :)

So, are you in? Let's get in the mood to travel!
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레슨 가능 시간

Ciao a tutti!안녕하세요. 저는 이탈리아어 강사인 Paola입니다. 나폴리인인 아버지와 아르헨티나 출신 어머니 아래에서 카라브리아라는 남 이탈라아에서 태어났습니다. 18세가 된다면, 대학에서 동양언어문화를 공부하여 졸업하기 위해 로마로. 그리고 오사카에서 1년간 살았습니다. 현재, 멋진 토스카나의 연인과 함께 살고 있습니다. 역시 여러언어와 문...

이 강사의 모든 레슨 

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Intensive course for travelers!

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레슨 가능 시간

16:00 00:00
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16:00 00:00
16:00 00:00
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※ 시간은 Asia/Tokyo 로 표시하고 있습니다. 로그인 하신 후에는 여러분의 등록정보에 의해 시간이 자동으로 계산되어 표시됩니다.

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