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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Mark Feeley 강사 칼럼

Are you interested in talking about art or photographs?

2018년 1월 8일

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are having a relaxing Monday, despite the weather.

A couple of years ago, I taught an interesting course at an art university in Tokyo. It was interesting for me because although I have never been very good at art (my art teacher at school hated me, and I hated him!!), I am very creative and I always use a lot of photographs when I teach to stimulate the interest of my students. Actually, I also always use music in the classroom to create a more relaxing atmosphere as well.

Talking about or describing paintings or photographs is not only very enjoyable, but can also help you to more naturally learn new vocabulary and grammar.

If you are interested in taking this kind of lesson, then click here

I look forward to talking to you and helping you to improve your English.


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