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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

CraftyJaja 강사 칼럼

Choose to be Happy Discount Coupon!

2016년 8월 13일

There are so many reasons for you to be happy! Why not try something new? Perhaps try to unwind with any of my art and design class? Well then, I have this 100% Discount Coupon for the first lesson in any of my art class and design. It's available for the newest students and new friends. Claim your coupon and Choose to be Happy!

Book your lesson now and reserve it anytime on your available time! Lessons are flexible to any level ~the young learners, and the high school and adult learners as well.

I'm so very excited to meet you! See you in my class! :) 

Coupon Name: Choose to be Happy!
(New Students Only)
Code: e117019b
Discount Rate: 100%
For Lesson: All
Effective for lessons conducted between: Aug 13, 2016 ~ Aug 15, 2016
URL: http://cafetalk.com/user/coupon/detail/?id=231877&lang=en
(GMT+08:00 Manila) 

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