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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Ms Judy 강사 칼럼

Summer in Sub-Saharan Africa

주간 토픽: Summer Photography: Show us picture that describes your summer!

2024년 7월 24일

Summer in Sub-Saharan Africa lasts from November to February. This time of year is very hot and beautiful. The region has different climates, from the dry Sahara Desert to the humid tropical areas and wide savannas. In summer, temperatures can get higher than 40°C (104°F) in desert areas, while coastal and highland areas have cooler weather.
The landscape changes a lot with summer rains. Dry savannas become green and full of wildflowers. This is a great time for watching wildlife because animals gather around water sources, making it perfect for safaris.
But summer also brings problems. Some places have long droughts, leading to water shortages and problems for farmers. Other places might have heavy rains and floods. Even with these challenges, summer in Sub-Saharan Africa is a season of strength, life, and beauty, making it a special time of the year.

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