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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Ms Judy 강사 칼럼

Why you should read this column :)

2024년 3월 26일

So, you know those columns you see in newspapers or online? Turns out, they're not just there to fill space between the ads for socks and coupons for coffee. Nope, they're actually pretty handy for improving your reading game. Picture this: You're into cooking, right? Well, reading a column about recipes not only tickles your taste buds but also sharpens your reading skills. Plus, you get to peek into the author's brain and see what they're all about. It's like a sneak peek into their world! And hey, if that doesn't challenge your thinking, I don't know what will. So next time you spot a column, dive in! Who knows what kind of brain workout you'll get?

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