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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

StephanieRiann 강사 칼럼

Staying cool in summer .....

주간 토픽: How to stay cool in the heat of July

2024년 7월 21일

Dear Students, 

My apologies for not writing a blog for a long time --honestly our life hasn`t been that interesting for the last 7 months -- we have only been able to do minimal camping ( which is our hobby together) mostly due to illness and weather conditions. We have only been camping a few times ( March, May and June ) this year actually --which is a record low for us -- See pictures on Instagram below--

March Tanukiko Campground 

May Car Camping 

May Camping in Shirakawa -- this was my favourite camp -- not too hot and not too cold 

June Camping in Kanuma 

Now that summers are getting hotter and hotter with climate change we cannot go out -- as we have 1. a dog  Karin who is elderly and unable to handle the heat and 2. I have a new issue medically with my Kidney which means -- I have to stay cool in the summer so as not to cause distress to my body --

So, What am I doing to stay cool this summer -- 1. Keeping the AC on at 27- 29 Degrees Celcius to keep us at a good body temperature  2. Drink lots of water 2-3 litres a day due to my kidney issue  3. eating food that doesn`t require hot stove cooking  4. Wearing cooling compression pants -- to help stay cool and help keep my heat edema swelling down -- 

For Karin -- we have cooling shirts and cooling mats to help her as well 

I would love your recommendations for staying cool for both me and Karin -- We hope to chat with you soon! 

Yours Kindly 

StephanieRiann and Karin.

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