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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

StephanieRiann 강사 칼럼

Food that reminds me of Summer!

주간 토픽: What is your earliest childhood memory?

2019년 7월 29일

I spent a lot of time on my grandparents fruit and vegetable farm in Eastern Canada. Summer time was always filled with great food! 

The foods that remind me of summertime fun with my family are: 

In July Strawberries- picking and eating them of course, but also helping my mum and gandmother make strawberry jam. Also with my cousins we spent many hours selling strawberries at our fruit stand. 

In August Blueberries - picking and eating them from the bushes with my cousins and making blueberry pie!

With both these fruit there were also many community suppers to attend and festivals. 

But.... my most favorite food that reminds me of summer is Atlantic Lobster! In Japan it is so expensive to eat, but back in Canada we could have community Lobster suppers often.  

When I can find strawberries, blueberries, and lobster it makes me happy and brings back great memories.


What are your favourite summer foods and memories? ( leave a comment) or consider one of my relaxed conversation lessons we can talk about this topic and many more.



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