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Parkhi jain 강사 칼럼

Tongue twisters ~ the fun way to master pronunciation

2024년 4월 19일 | 1 코멘트

Let's practice tongue twisters for speech clarity. 

Tongue twisters are fantastic for improving speech clarity and fluency. Here's why they're beneficial:
1. Articulation: Tongue twisters target specific sounds and combinations, helping to improve pronunciation and articulation.
2. Fluency: Repeated practice of tongue twisters can enhance fluency and smoothness of speech by challenging the coordination of speech muscles. 3. Phonemic Awareness: They enhance phonemic awareness, which is crucial for language development and literacy skills.
4. Memory: Reciting tongue twisters exercises memory skills, as you need to remember the sequence of sounds and words.
5. Confidence: Mastering tongue twisters can boost confidence in speaking, especially when it comes to difficult sounds or combinations.
As for the fun part, tongue twisters are enjoyable because they're challenging and often silly. They can turn practicing pronunciation into a game, making it more engaging and entertaining. Plus, the satisfaction of successfully navigating through a tricky tongue twister adds to the enjoyment.
Let's try one: "How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?" Give it a go and see how fast you can say it without stumbling!

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