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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Natalia P 강사 칼럼

“NICE TO MEET YOU” in Indonesian

2023년 9월 14일

Hello everyone,
Today I will discuss the important sentence in Indonesian "NICE TO MEET YOU". If we give this original word into Indonesian we will get a word like the following:
Nice = Baik/ Senang
To Meet = Bertemu
You = Anda/ Kamu
So we get the sentence that we often see in textbooks "Senang bertemu denganmu" / "Senang berkenalan dengan Anda". However, did you know, in reality Indonesian people rarely use this sentence. Basically, when Indonesians introduce themselves to people they meet for the first time, they will use the words "Salam Kenal". That's right, the sentence is simpler. So many textbooks are different from everyday Indonesian language. For those of you who want to deepen your daily Indonesian language, please take the class now. 15% discount available for everyone. Discounted prices only until October 15 2023. See you again ??

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