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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Ren Walt 강사 칼럼

Improve Your Pronunciation But Be Yourself

2023년 5월 12일

Learning a new language is a tremendous undertaking for many reasons. Vocabulary is essential. Grammar is vital. But learning how to say the words correctly is important too. Occasionally people get upset because they can't get rid of their accent, but remember, everyone has an accent and it's what makes us special and unique. Here are some tips for improving your pronunciation without losing your accent:

  1. Listen and repeat: The best way to learn how to say the words correctly is by listening to someone who speaks the language and repeating what they say. Try to copy the way they talk, like the rhythm and how they say the words.
  2. Record yourself: Use a phone or tablet to record yourself talking in the new language. Then, listen to the recording and see if you can hear any mistakes. Try to fix the mistakes and record yourself again.
  3. Practice, practice, practice: Practicing every day is really important to get better at speaking the new language. Even if it's just for a few minutes each day, it will help you get better.
  4. Get help: Sometimes it's hard to know if you're saying the words correctly. That's okay! Ask someone who speaks the language to listen to you and tell you if you're doing a good job.

Remember, it's okay to have an accent when you're learning a new language. The most important thing is to be able to communicate with others. Follow these tips and you'll be speaking like a pro in no time!

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