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Ian Wilde 강사 칼럼

8 parts to speaking English fluently - Part 3: Adverbs and Prepositions

2021년 10월 6일

Eight parts of speech

Adverbs and Prepositions


5. Adverbs

An adverb is a word that describes an adjective, sup another adverb or even a sentence.

·      gently lifted her onto the chair (verb)

·      he is more interesting than you (adjective)

·      that is an unusually large tree (adjective)

·      unfortunately, we had already left (sentence)



6. Prepositions

A preposition is a word that tells you when or where something is in relation to something else.

·      I put my bag on the table

·      I sat beside the wall

·      my birthday is on Friday.

Remember you can end a sentence with a track position although be careful in formal writing or speech.

Conjunctions & Articles tomorrow! I have started a new lesson, 50 minutes detailing the eight parts until the 22nd of October, for details see my page. 100% discount.



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