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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Zach McLaughlin 강사 칼럼

My unique travel items

주간 토픽: Unique Things that You Always Bring when you Travel

2021년 5월 17일

There are three unique things that I bring with me when I travel and they’re all related to memory.

First, no matter where I go, I always have my family crest keychain. It’s a leather and pewter McLaughlin family crest, which reads “FORTIS ET FIDUS” (strong and faithful) in Latin, although it’s so old and worn now that it’s almost impossible to read. It was a gift from my parents, so it’s a reminder of my family wherever I go.

Second, I always have a notebook to write things down in. I don’t have a cell phone, so I still use good old fashioned paper to record important information, like phone numbers, addresses, plans, important dates, and ideas. I also sometimes sketch in my notebooks and keep travel journals. In this digital age, there’s something very comfortable and relaxing about putting a pen to paper. 

Third, I almost always take a LEGO figure or small set with me when I travel because I love to get funny pictures of LEGO people in different places. I even brought a LEGO samurai to the Tokyo Imperial Palace for a picture at the gate. One of the security guards got a good laugh that day. Sometimes people think it’s a little weird, but when they see the pictures later, they laugh and it’s a good memory.

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