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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Cecily G. 강사 칼럼

Stay-at-home orders

2020년 12월 6일

Hello students,

In my area (in California) we will be under stay-at-home orders starting Monday to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We had this before in March, and we called it shelter-in-place (even though it's not really as serious as shelter-in-place). 

How will the stay-at-home orders affect us?
  • We are supposed to stay at home unless it's necessary (for an important reason).
  • We will not be allowed to gather with people outside of our household (we can't meet with anyone we don't live with). 
  • We can worship (go to church, etc) or protest as long as it is outdoors. 
  • Students can continue going to school if their school is open. 
  • Stores, like grocery stores, will be open at 20% of capacity (only 20% of the people the store can fit).
  • Children's playgrounds will be closed.
  • Restaurants will be closed for indoor and outdoor dining. We can order takeout. 
  • We can still go out for a walk to exercise or walk a dog. 
  • Barbershops and hair salons will be closed. Museums and zoos will be closed. Movie theaters will be closed. Bars will be closed. 
What activities are considered necessary?
  • I'm not sure, but I think you can go to your job if you have a job you can't do from home. You can go to the hospital. You can go shopping, or other things I mentioned above. 
Stay healthy and safe. 

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