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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Camillus 강사 칼럼

Most Difficult Thing About Living Abroad

주간 토픽: The most difficult thing about living abroad

2019년 10월 29일 | 3 코멘트

            We seek for the familiar in strange or unknown places, don’t we? And when we are living abroad, this is keenly felt. We long to find the familar for it’s the familiar that provides us with a sense of security. Familiarity in this circumstance no longer breeds contempt but rather security and a sense of belonging.

            I remember my 2-year stay in Canterbury. I went there to further my studies, so strictly speaking I wasn’t living there. Even then, I could sense the alienating environment and the one thing that could provide some semblance of home was food. The packed food that I brought all the way from home sustained me for a while. To me, that’s the very definition of comfort food. It’s food that reminds you of home and not something that you indulge in when life treats you badly.

            What about you? Do share with me in the comments below.

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