스페인어 | 모국어 |
히브리어 | 단어약간 |
이탈리아어 | 단어약간 |
영어 | 단어약간 |
Hi! My name is Iluminada, but everybody calls me Ilu. I’m from Murcia, in Spain, but I’m in Grenada, where I have studied. In Grenada, I did a degree in History and as well studies in arabic and hebrew language and culture, where in there were linguistic lesson’s and Spanish language. Furthermore, I am currently preparing the B2 in English. So I’m well aware that learning a new language can be difficult as well as to be afraid to use it.
The 3 last years I have some private lesson’s in history, and spanish for foreigners. I've really enjoyed the Spanish lessons for foreigners and it is for this reason I would like to be specialized on it. I did a Master for becoming officially a Spanish teacher for foreigners. As well languages and history have allowed me to explain my culture in a simple and clearly way. Moreover, this gave me the opportunity the learn and understand others culture, which I like because I am very curious.
I have had several students from many countries: Canada, United States of America, Japan, China, Italy, England, Saudi Arabia and Syria. I have learnt a lot from my students, especially each one is different. So, don’t worry, I can perfectly adapt to your need, your goal, your mother tong and your way to learn.
I try that the only language used in class is Spanish, and to make useful and practical lessons. Moreover, I try to introduce some pragmatic cultural elements and conversation, like politeness gesture and all what we say without word.
As a teacher I am patient, good communicating person, hard worker and optimist. But how am I different? 2 things: in one side I am very creative and clever (I like that my students learn with fun), so I am using some various materials like, lyrics of songs, movies, series, newspapers and more. In the other side, my way of teaching culture because I teach not only what is typical of Spanish culture but what I also teach the most unknown aspects.So do not hesitate and let’s learn spanish!!
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