언제나 생활에 감칠맛을.

Steve M 강사 공지사항

English Reading Skills COUPON☆

2015년 6월 3일

Hello! I have just prepared a new article for this course. It is a TECH article about drones from the Japan Times. It will probably take two lessons to complete the article. As you can see, this course is more suited to upper intermediate and advanced learners.

(I have a list of older articles on the lesson page as well. Please feel free to select anything from there too!)

Drone-makers say demand will take off in Japan

Coupon Name: English Reading Skills
Code: 260de5a1
Discount Rate: 5%
For Lesson: 英語で新聞を読もう!
Effective for lessons conducted between: Jun 6, 2015 ~ Jul 31, 2015
(GMT+09:00 Tokyo)

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