In Absprache
free talking 25mins
Caters to Level: Beginner to advanced
In this lesson we will engage in free conversation or theme-based conversation using the Japanese you have learned previously.
But one thing you should keep in mind is that just 'talking' during free conversation lessons will not lead to great improvements.
You should decide on a theme and even try to challenge yourself with topics that you don't feel strong in.
Express how you think and feel. Talk about past episodes and try to react to the other party's ideas and emotions.
I will try to make guide you so your pronunciation, grammar, diction will approach that of native Japanese speakers so that you may sound polite and respectable regardless of the situation. I'll also help you teach you the appropriate words to use. Your vocabulary will surely improve!
Any topic is okay!
Feel free to talk about anything you wish!
We can also have in-depth discussions as well!
Please let me know the themes that interest you.
(Translated by Cafetalk August 2019)
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• Weniger als 48 Stunden vor Kursbeginn→ 50% des Kurspreises wird einbehalten.
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• Stornierung jederzeit möglich
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• Weniger als 24 Stunden vor Kursbeginn→ 100% des Kurspreises wird einbehalten.
• Weniger als 48 Stunden vor Kursbeginn→ 50% des Kurspreises wird einbehalten.
• No-Show→ 100% des Kurspreises wird einbehalten.
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Paket mit 15 Kursen
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Paket mit 10 Kursen
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An extremely cost-effective pack! You can also exchange some lessons ...
Paket mit 22 Kursen
(1,800 Punkte pro Kurs)
An extremely cost-effective pack! The most important factor in improv...
Paket mit 40 Kursen
(1,500 Punkte pro Kurs)
An extremely cost-effective pack! You can also exchange some lessons ...
Paket mit 50 Kursen
(1,300 Punkte pro Kurs)
An extremely cost-effective pack! You can also exchange some lessons ...
Paket mit 60 Kursen
(1,250 Punkte pro Kurs)
An extremely cost-effective pack! You can also exchange some lessons ...
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Bewertungen von Schülern (24)
授業のフィードバックはとても参考になりました。勉強になりました。Donnerstag, 23. November 2023, 10:13 -
推薦老師的自由聊天課程! 推薦理由: 1.和老師聊天很輕鬆,就像和朋友聊天一樣不會感到有壓力 2.如果是和老師聊自己的興趣的話,老師也會在上課的過程中同時蒐集資料並適度提出問題,維持良好互動 3.除此之外老師也會在私下另外做功課,以便在下次上課時間給予學生反饋,可以感受到老師的用心 總結:… moreDonnerstag, 15. Juni 2023, 11:41 -
之前上鑑定水準的回饋很充實,因此上課前滿期待的。 但上完會話課後稍微有點失望,老師滿好聊天,也會引導對話。 但是對於文法、單字的指正滿少的,課後也沒有任何feedback。 感覺很像是跟日本朋友聊天完的感覺,並沒有實際學到更多東西。 整體課堂我覺得CP值不高,提供給想上會話課的同學參… moreDienstag, 30. Mai 2023, 06:23 -
老師對free talk 議題掌握度很高,每次都能針對議題深度討論,絕無冷場。另外,我也喜歡老師用跟日本人講話般的語速和用詞與我做free talk,而不像有的老師會因為你是外國人而故意放慢速度和用較為簡單的語句與我對話。Freitag, 9. Dezember 2022, 13:16