검색 결과
언제나 그렇지만, 프로의식이 강한 진정한 프로라고 생각합니다.
그리고 이해가 될때까지 친절히 수업을 진행해주는 점이 너무나 좋았읍니다.
계속해서 수강을 하고 싶습니다. -
Thanks. I can understand well thanks to your explanation. You make a great lesson today. You even taught me about the mood when we play the chords. There are many new info today. I will play the piano with what I learned today. I am not playing the piano inserting the tension but I'll try. If I have a question while I practice, I'll ask you. Thanks for your consideration and your today's work for me. Thanks for everything. I can feel easily your passion for teaching. I can focus on your lesson well from of your teaching passion. Anyway, see you later. I can make upgrade my music for next level if I absorb today's lesson contents well.
일단 기타에 관한 열정만큼은 누구에게도 지지않을만큼의 프로중의 프로라는 인상을 받았읍니다.
궁금한 점에 관해서는 이해할때까지 설명을 잘 해주어서 많은 도움을 받았읍니다
계속해서 수강을 하고 싶습니다. -
Thanks for today's lesson. I learn a lot. I get the confident to compose with you. I think I can do it, even though I am very beginner. I can learn the formula to building the chords. It's very helpful. I think I have to listen a lot which chord's harmony is better and through this we can make the good song that everyone want to listen mostly. In this aspect, your explanation is very good. You said human being want to relax when they listen to tension chord s. I can also know it's very good starting point for composing that I use 2,5,1 or 1,4,5. What else though. Anyway everything is great. Thanks again today's lesson. See you soon!
프로중의 프로 입니다.
언제나 많은 것을 배울수 있읍니다.
계속해서 수강을 하고 싶습니다.