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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Cindy Colijn 강사 칼럼

Best day ever!

2016년 11월 28일

If some of you may know that, In Japan.... Fruits are very expensive and rare compared to Indonesia.

Today I found my favourite fruit "Strawberry"  with suprisingly Cheap price! I do not know why this shop sells strawberry cheaply. Well... Lucky Me ^^

---> 398 Yen is as musch as 3$. Normally for this size of Strawberry pack is 700 Yen ~ 800 Yen. Sometime it may be up to 1000 Yen!! 

So today I had big day! ^_^

And, Enjoyed every single bite of it! Some of them I put it on top of my morning meal as you can see in the main picture above. Lucky me and Best day ever.. ~(*_*)~


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