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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Nadine Flores 강사 칼럼

Saying goodbye to summer diary

주간 토픽: Autumn festivals around the world

2024년 9월 23일

Saturday we said goodbye to summer and hello to autumn. We went to Downsview Park in Toronto where we had a picnic with friends and some music.

When we got there, there was a good amount of people on the other side of the pond. We wondered what was going on until one of our friends told us that it was the Lantern Festival. You'd have to buy a ticket to enter the festival and you'll have access to the food trucks, shops etc

People write their wishes on their lanterns and set it off on the pond. Unfortunately it started raining but there were still many people who waited until it got dark to release theirs on the water.

We ended up staying late and creating some content for friends' music.

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