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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

David 강사 칼럼

Science Based Mindfulness Meditation Courses - *Now Available*

2024년 3월 19일

I am now offering science based 8-Week Mindfulness Meditation courses which are suitable for everyone.

Over the 8 sessions I will guide you through 8 themes, which include topics such as stress, physical and emotional pain, lonliness, enhanced performance and more. 

Each session will consist of :
- Discussion and presentation about a specific theme
- A safe space to talk, discuss and ask questions
- A guided meditation practice
- Mindful Movements
- A short writing practice
- Homework exercises
- Tips, tricks and full guidance to help get the most out of your mindfulness meditation journey.

I am qualified in the Zen Buddhist Mindfulness Meditation school, which is a direct Japanese lineage. 

The school is 100% non religious, and does not require any form of belief, spirituality, or fitness level. 

The course has been subject to research conducted by Oxford University, and is designed around set principles that have been proven to work. 

If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

Each session will be arranged between us, and this course is designed for each session to be taken approximately 1 week apart, although there is full flexibility with this. 

Many thanks and have a lovely day.


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