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Nicholas 강사 칼럼

International Day of Happiness

주간 토픽: International Day of Happiness! One thing that makes you happy...

2024년 3월 18일

The Significance of International Day of Happiness: Why Pursuing Happiness Daily Matters


Happiness is a universal aspiration. It's a fundamental human desire, sought after by individuals across the globe. In recognition of the importance of happiness in the lives of people worldwide, the International Day of Happiness is celebrated annually on March 20th. This day serves as a poignant reminder of the significance of happiness and the role it plays in fostering well-being and creating a more harmonious world.


The International Day of Happiness was first observed in 2013, following a United Nations General Assembly resolution that recognized the pursuit of happiness as a fundamental human goal and called for a more inclusive, equitable, and balanced approach to economic growth. Since then, this day has been celebrated with various events, initiatives, and campaigns aimed at promoting happiness and well-being on a global scale.


One of the key messages emphasized on the International Day of Happiness is the importance of cultivating happiness as a daily practice rather than relegating it to some distant point in the future, often associated with achieving certain milestones or material success. This notion challenges the traditional narrative that happiness is contingent upon external achievements or possessions and underscores the idea that true happiness stems from within.


Setting happiness as the endpoint of success creates a perpetual cycle of longing and dissatisfaction, where individuals constantly strive for more but never quite feel fulfilled. This mindset can lead to a myriad of negative consequences, including stress, anxiety, and a diminished sense of well-being. Moreover, it perpetuates the myth that happiness is an elusive destination rather than a journey to be embraced in the present moment.


Research in the field of positive psychology supports the notion that happiness is not solely determined by external factors but is largely influenced by internal attitudes, perspectives, and habits. Studies have shown that individuals who prioritize gratitude, kindness, and mindfulness in their daily lives are more likely to experience greater levels of happiness and life satisfaction, regardless of their circumstances.


By reframing happiness as a daily pursuit, individuals are empowered to cultivate joy and contentment in their lives, irrespective of external circumstances. This shift in mindset encourages people to focus on the present moment, appreciating the simple pleasures and blessings that abound in their lives, rather than constantly chasing some elusive ideal of success or fulfilment.


For me, I find happiness lies in activities that nourish both my body and mind. Engaging in swimming, cycling, and maintaining fitness not only invigorates my physical being but also instils a profound sense of well-being and accomplishment. Additionally, I find joy in embarking on adventures to new destinations, both within the picturesque landscapes of the UK and the captivating cultures abroad. Whether it's immersing myself in the vibrant streets of a bustling city or basking in the tranquillity of a remote natural oasis, each journey enriches my perspective. Furthermore, as an English language educator, witnessing my students' progress and witnessing their growth in English fluency, as they conquer challenges such as the Eiken and IELTS tests, fills me with immense pride and satisfaction. Helping them achieve their goals not only brings happiness but also reinforces my sense of purpose and contribution to their success.



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