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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Amy Jost 강사 칼럼

Longer nights and warmer lakes, my spring treats

주간 토픽: What do you look forward to this spring?

2024년 3월 4일

Life in Switzerland is lovely all seasons of the year, but the springs and summers are especially spectacular. I am an open water long-distance swimmer. I swim the entire year, even in January when the local, clean, Apline lake is only about 4 degrees C. And even though I can enjoy all the seasons in my home country, I look forward to the spring and summer every year because those seasons bring longer nights and warmer lakes.

My local lake which is within walking distance to my home often reminds me of the Mediterranean Sea with its flourescent green color. In winter, although I still swim in it, it is not as inviting. 

The short window of daylight (dark mornings and early, dark evenings) also challenge my ability to stay motivated. It's harder to get out of bed and out of my home when I leave and return in the dark.

So I am very much looking forward to this spring and all of the natural changes it will bring, which will make my life all the richer. I am also looking forward to teaching you here on Cafetalk! Book a lesson with me soon.

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