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Nicholas 강사 칼럼

Love in Unexpected Places and the 'Idioms of love'

주간 토픽: How do people celebrate the Valentine's Day in your country?

2024년 2월 14일

Love in Unexpected Places


Once upon a time in the quaint little town of Willow Creek, there lived a young woman named Lily who was head over heels in love with the idea of finding her true soulmate. She was a hopeless romantic who believed that love conquers all, and she eagerly awaited the day when she would meet her perfect match.


One sunny afternoon, while walking through the park, Lily spotted a charming old couple sitting on a bench, feeding the ducks and giggling like lovebirds. Their affectionate gestures warmed Lily's heart, and she couldn't help but admire the way they wore their hearts on their sleeves.


As Lily continued her stroll, she bumped into her friend Sarah, who seemed to be smitten with a new guy she had met at the local coffee shop. Sarah gushed about how she was head over heels for Mark and couldn't wait to see him again. Lily couldn't help but feel happy for her friend and hoped that one day she would experience that same kind of love herself.


Later that evening, Lily attended a community dance event where she found herself unexpectedly locking eyes with a handsome stranger across the crowded room. It was love at first sight, and she felt butterflies fluttering in her stomach as they danced the night away.


Just as Lily thought things couldn't get any more romantic, she found herself caught in the middle of a hilarious love triangle. As she was about to declare her feelings for the handsome stranger, another suitor from her past suddenly appeared, professing his undying love for her. Caught between two admirers, Lily couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation.


In the end, Lily realized that sometimes love comes when you least expect it and in the most unexpected places. Whether it's finding love at first sight or discovering a deep connection with an old friend, love has a funny way of sneaking up on you when you least expect it.


And as Lily looked around at the smiling faces of the people she cared about, she knew that true love was all around her, and she couldn't wait to see where her own romantic journey would take her next.


Head over heels in love - Meaning deeply in love or infatuated with someone.


Love is blind - Meaning that when you are in love, you may overlook flaws or imperfections in the person you love.


Wear one's heart on one's sleeve - Meaning to openly display one's emotions, especially love or affection.


Lovebirds - Meaning a couple who are affectionate with each other, often used to describe newlyweds or couples deeply in love.


Love conquers all - Meaning that love is powerful enough to overcome any obstacle or challenge.


Love at first sight - Meaning to fall in love immediately upon first meeting someone.


Love triangle - Meaning a romantic involvement between three people, often leading to complicated or messy situations.


To have a crush on someone - Meaning to have strong feelings of romantic attraction towards someone.


To be head over heels - Meaning to be completely infatuated or deeply in love with someone.


To be smitten with someone - Meaning to be strongly attracted to or enamored with someone.


To break someone's heart - Meaning to cause someone deep emotional pain or sadness, typically by ending a romantic relationship.


To fall out of love - Meaning to stop feeling affection or romantic feelings towards someone.


To have a soft spot for someone - Meaning to feel a particular affection or liking towards someone.


To steal someone's heart - Meaning to make someone fall in love with you.


To be a hopeless romantic - Meaning to have an idealistic view of love and romance.


To be lovey-dovey - Meaning to show excessive affection or sentimentality, often in a way that others might find annoying.


To be love-locked - Meaning to be unable to move forward or make decisions because of being deeply in love.


To be struck by Cupid's arrow - Meaning to suddenly fall in love or become infatuated with someone.


To be head over heels for someone - Meaning to be deeply in love or infatuated with someone.


To tie the knot - Meaning to get married.

Butterflies fluttering in her stomach - A metaphorical expression describing the sensation of nervousness or excitement, particularly in the context of romantic attraction. It's often felt as a fluttering sensation in the stomach.


Locking eyes - This phrase means making eye contact with someone in a way that is intense or meaningful, often indicating a strong connection or attraction between the individuals involved.

Quiz: Match the Idioms with their Meanings


Instructions: Match each idiom related to love with its corresponding meaning.


Head over heels in love

Love is blind

Wear one's heart on one's sleeve


Love conquers all

Love at first sight

Love triangle

To have a crush on someone

To be head over heels

To be smitten with someone


a) Deeply in love or infatuated with someone.

b) Overlooking flaws or imperfections in the person you love.

c) Openly displaying one's emotions, especially love or affection.

d) A couple who are affectionate with each other.

e) Love is powerful enough to overcome any obstacle or challenge.

f) Falling in love immediately upon first meeting someone.

g) Romantic involvement between three people.

h) Strong feelings of romantic attraction towards someone.

i) Completely infatuated or deeply in love with someone.

j) Strongly attracted to or enamoured with someone.



(Note: Match the number of the idiom with the corresponding letter of its meaning. For example, if you believe that "1" matches with "a," then your answer would be "1a.")



Gap Fill Exercise:


Complete the sentences below by inserting the correct idiom from the list provided:


Sarah is ______________ with Mark ever since they met at the party last week.

Despite his faults, she can't see them because she believes that ______________.

It's easy to tell when John is in love because he always ______________.

Jake and Emily are such ______________; they're always hugging and kissing each other.

They faced many challenges, but in the end, ______________ and they found a way to make their relationship work.

It was ______________ when they locked eyes across the crowded room, and they've been together ever since.

The movie portrayed a complicated ______________ between the three main characters.

Lisa has had ______________ on her classmate since the beginning of the semester.

Ever since they started dating, Tom has been ______________ in love with Maria.

After their first date, Anna was ______________ with Daniel and couldn't stop thinking about him.


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