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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Anamika 강사 칼럼

Reflecting on Year 2023

주간 토픽: Let's share our 2023 memories of Cafetalk

2024년 1월 9일

2023 has been a year of profound transformations and joyful milestones for me. Graduating from grad school, and showcasing my art in an exhibition in Tokyo was big milestone that happened in early 2023.

Life took a turn, and I bid farewell to Japan and I embraced a new chapter in India. Life in India is much different from Japan but it's exciting to see and experience the side of India as a resident that i had never seen before. Exploring the vibrant landscapes of India, from bustling cities to historical marvels like the Taj Mahal, filled my heart with awe and wonder.

Starting a new job brought fresh challenges and learning experiences, complemented by the bittersweet moments of leaving old friends behind while embracing new connections. I also started teaching on cafetalk in 2023. i am so grateful to this platform that brought me to connect with you. Otherwise our paths would have never crossed.

Indeed, 2023 has been a year of significant changes, each one bringing its unique joy and growth, shaping a memorable chapter in the book of my life. As the year draws to a close, I eagerly await the adventures and opportunities that 2024 holds.

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