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Svitlana Deikalo 강사 칼럼

Beach or river: what do you prefer?

주간 토픽: Beach vs. pool: which do you prefer?

2023년 8월 8일

Beach or river: what do you prefer? I think all seasons are good. We can find something pleasant for ourselves in each of them. If you have to choose between relaxing by the pool and the beach, then I prefer the beach. Beach on the river, in Ukraine. In summer, the days are the longest and the nights are the shortest. I have a vacation. My family and I spend a lot of time together. We like to go to the forest or to the river. The forest is very beautiful. There are many flowers. They are colorful and smell great. After the rain, there are many mushrooms in the forest. We like to collect mushrooms My mother cooks them very well. And we sunbathe on the river. We swim in the river. We often play ball on the river bank.

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