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Profe Elluz Karina 강사 칼럼

Did you know that..... Knowing all the sounds in Spanish allows you to read even if you don't know the words.

2023년 7월 25일

Did you know that..... Knowing all the sounds in Spanish allows you to read even if you don't know the words.
Learning the sounds that make up words is important practice.

Each sound is different from the other but they are always the same in the Spanish language, even though the words change.

For example MA, ME, MI, MO, MU

They are the sounds for the letter M, these are used in words like MAMA, MAP, MOPA, MIMA, MIMÍ, MANO…..If you see these sounds did not change, when you studied the first ones and used them in the words they were the same.

Learning to read with knowledge of sounds allows you to evolve faster in the language.
When you want to learn all the sounds of Spanish, I recommend my reading class, since there you will learn those sounds that will help you develop in the language.


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