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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Svitlana Deikalo 강사 칼럼

Travel Hacks

주간 토픽: Travel Hacks

2023년 7월 20일

Travel Hacks
TOP-10 life hacks
Traveling is always accompanied by excitement. The most common force majeure events are related to forgotten or lost documents, flight delays and cancellations, problems with luggage, and blocking of bank cards when making payments. You can prevent their occurrence and minimize the negative consequences if you work out the most exciting moments in advance. In order not to miss anything, we will compile the TOP suitable life hacks that can make the life of a traveler easier:
Make copies of documents (passport, visa, etc.).
Warn your bank about the trip and possible transactions abroad.
Pay all fines in advance.
Buy tickets with discounts.
Download assistant programs (maps and a translator) to your smartphone if you are planning a trip to a foreign country whose language you do not know perfectly.
Charge your phone from the TV.
Buy mini-containers for cosmetics.
Look for Wi-Fi at McDonald's.
Learn to pack things compactly.
Choose a reliable and practical suitcase.

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